by okfoods-admin | Feb 1, 2018 | Community, OK Foods
On Dec. 28th, 2017, OK Foods completed the first year of its strategic long-term partnership with the Fort Smith River Valley Regional Food Bank with its donation of 20,000 pounds of chicken. This delivery brings the total giving to 100,000 pounds! The partnership...OK Foods follows NPIP standards to maintain a clean Avian Influenza status. All of our flocks are tested and declared negative for Avian Influenza before movement off the farm to the processing plants. We are quick to adapt to outbreak changes over time by carefully monitoring and modifying our level of bio-security to match the current state of the disease.
OK Foods strives to provide healthy chickens and wholesome processed chicken products across the world. When deemed medically necessary, FDA-approved anti-microbial products are used for the prevention, control, and/or treatment of clinical disease under the direct supervision of OK Foods’ fully-licensed, USDA-accredited company veterinarian. The processed chicken meat is tested to ensure it is free of any residual antimicrobial products, meaning OK Foods chicken is antibiotic-free. No added hormones or steroids are used at any stage of the production process. The use of added hormones and steroids is strictly forbidden by the FDA for all chicken produced in the United States.
We strive to offer team members a healthy, safe, and supportive environment in which to work. We believe in putting our people first, and that everyone should be treated with respect. OK Foods has always been a family company, and will continue to operate as such in the years to come.
The safety of our team members is top priority. We are committed to providing all team members a safe working environment, as well as extensive safety training to ensure we understand and can effectively practice safe operating procedures.
Food safety is vital to delivering quality chicken products to our customers around the world. All OK Foods facilities are regularly inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). And, as a full-integrated poultry processor, we have implemented food safety auditing programs across all operations to ensure our products meet and exceed food safety standards.
OK Foods is fully supportive of our local community and puts great emphasis on community involvement. We believe that by investing in our local community, we are investing in our people. OK Food supports a variety of causes and organizations that are in line with our mission to nourish the world.
OK Foods operates all of its facilities with the goal of creating the smallest environmental footprint possible by practicing a corporate sustainability initiative. This includes developing protection plans, documenting compliance, maintaining permits, and reporting and tracking our efficiencies.
Our multi-level bio-security plan surpasses industry standards and encompasses all of our facilities. It includes educational programs for producers and vendors to emphasize practices that help ensure the health of our birds and our industry. Our program is consistently audited.
OK Foods understands the importance of ensuring the safe and fair treatment of all chickens. Our strict animal welfare policy mirrors NCC Guidelines and is frequently audited to maintain the highest standards. Audits are performed internally by PAACO-certified personnel (Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization) and externally by third-party-led animal welfare auditors. Various stages of the production system are audited to ensure proper and humane handling. All birds raised by OK Foods are housed in climate-controlled environments where they enjoy the freedom to roam, eat, and drink at their will, which encourages normal behavior, as well as provides optimal comfort and protects the flock from outside predators, disease, and distress. Our company veterinarian and staff monitor all flocks on a daily basis.